
About Dr. Toni LaMotta

An upbeat workshop leader, inspiring speaker, successful author, and highly regarded spiritual coach, Dr. Toni LaMotta has a stellar record of facilitating personal and organizational growth and development. By introducing people to the Transformative Journaling process, she motivates them to explore hidden beliefs and to discover who they can be when they operate authentically. In this context, she is gently challenging and provocative, sharing wit and wisdom that speak to the head and the heart. She is truly a “whole-brained” individual. The Transformative Journaling process grew out of Toni’s studies with Dr. Ira Progoff, creator of the Intensive Journal. His main interest was in Depth Psychology and particularly the humanistic adaptation of Jungian ideas to the lives of ordinary people. 

Toni brings considerable insights from years of experience on a spiritual path. Her fascinating life journey has led to a depth of compassion, personal growth, and understanding. For example, she served as a Catholic nun and Pastoral Associate for 16 years before discovering New Thought and becoming an Ordained Minister over 20 years ago. She is currently serving as a WeSpace guide and nurturer of other guides at ICN as well as the coordinator of ICN’s Education.

She holds a Doctorate in Religious Studies and a Doctor of Divinity degree. In addition, she has earned three Master’s degrees: Pastoral Ministry, Adult Education, and Mathematics. Toni has addressed audiences at IBM, AT&T, and Pennzoil, among other top US companies. She facilitates classes at the School of Spiritual Leadership for the Centers for Spiritual Living and teaches Humanities courses Online at Herzing University.

Currently the Director of the Conscious Aging Connection, she is the former Senior Minister of the Center for Positive Living and was the founder of the Sarasota Celebration Center. Toni is the author of several books including the bestseller, “What You REALLY Want, Wants You”  and “Embracing the Aging Process” – both found on Amazon.

For more information, go to https://tonilamotta.com